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Various Articles About Fujairah

The fact that oil and gas production is not carried out here also positively characterizes this place. Fujairah is the one of the most attractive tourists destinations, famous for its nature, cooler climate, mountains and marine life, and a popular place among country's diving, freediving and other water-related sports enthusiasts.

Read more about Fujairah
Freediving UAE – a new art and advanced freediving hub in Fujeirah - Coming Soon in UAE 26 September 2021

Freediving UAE – a new art and advanced freediving hub in Fujeirah

Autumn is coming and it means a great season of outdoor activities is about to begin in UAE.

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COVID-19: Fujairah Bans Camping - Coming Soon in UAE COVID-19: Fujairah Bans Camping
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Fujairah authorities announced a ban on camping in the region to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Al Aqah and Sandy Beach – the Favorite Getaway Destination - Coming Soon in UAE Al Aqah and Sandy Beach – the Favorite Getaway Destination
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Rotana Hotels — the Hospitable Luxury of the Middle East - Coming Soon in UAE Rotana Hotels — the Hospitable Luxury of the Middle East
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Rotana Hotels is a hotel and hospitality brand owned and managed by eponymous company — Rotana Hotel Management Corporation PJSC, based in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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