This classic story by Kenneth Grahame follows the tale of the notorious Mr. Toad whose love of motorcars leads to trouble! His home (and cars) are under threat from Chief Weasel and the Wild Wooders, and he has to turn to his friends Ratty, Mole and the Wise old Badger to save him and Toad Hall.
This masterpiece of world literature will be brought to life on stage with music, laughter, magnificent scenery and a stunning cast of UK performers. As an addition to the show, сhildren and their parents can join the Tea at Toad Hall from 01:00 PM till 02:30 PM.
Organized by: Theatre by QE2, Outside the Box Events
Venue: Queen Elizabeth 2
Ticket price: from AED 120
Admission: 11:00 AM, 03:00 PM
We invite singers, bands, DJs, comedians, influencers, promoters, and other performers based in UAE to showcase their talents at!