Sutradhar, created by visionary Dubai based writer and director Sanjeev Dixit, is a play in English inspired by the Natyashastra, Greek Classics, and Japanese Noh. Using techniques that have been around for millennia, Sutradhar presents a classic tale derived from the Indian epic Mahabharata to a modern, multicultural audience.
Sutradhar, an Indian word which literally translates to ‘the one who holds the strings’, implies a mastermind, a puppeteer even. A controller of the fortunes of those influenced, or manipulated. Yet, as the play asks at one point, “aren’t we all at some time both the puppeteer and the marionette?”.
Organized by: Third Half Theatre
Venue: The Junction
Ticket price: from AED 65
Admission: November 15, 16 – 7:30 PM, November 17 – 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM
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