Directed and written by Humaid Alsuwaidi, the UAE movie “Musk” represents a lighthearted blend of emotions, focusing on the touching fate of a father and his son. Being a winner of the Best Film award at the Al Ain Film Festival, this drama tells about three generations in one story, which proves the old saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.
The movie starts with a story of Ahmed, who works on managing the family’s dying perfume business. The non-stop work and divorce process have made him cynical, which influenced his relationship with Abdulrahman, his 12-year-old son. The father tries to reconnect with his son but they have different views. Suddenly, Ahmed’s ex-wife sues to deny him visitation rights, claiming she doesn’t want her son to see his grandfather dying slowly.
Organized by: Art for All
Venue: The Theater, Mall of Emirates
Ticket price: from AED 45
Admission: Doors open 07:30 PM; Movie starts 08:00 PM
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