The comedy play written by the award-winning American playwright Neil Simon is directed by Rashmi Kotriwala. The roles in the play will be performed by Rohit Prakash, Yasmin Altas, Farzana Palathingal, and Sarah Potter.
The comedy was first shown to the public on Broadway in 1969. The focus of the play is Barney Cashman, a middle-aged, businessman, happily married for 23 years, who is determined to join the sexual revolution of the 1960s before it is too late. Hit by the mid-life crisis he decides that the best way to deal with it is to give in to latent desires and fulfill his long-standing fantasies.
Organized by: H72 Productions
Venue: The Junction
Ticket price: AED 75
Admission: September 19-20, 07:30 PM; September 21, 03:30 PM, 07:30 PM