Tom Fletcher’s beloved “Who’s in Your Book?” series is transforming into an exciting musical, bringing interactive adventures for young audiences from page to stage. In this enchanting show, a group of performers find themselves unexpectedly joined by Little Monster, who invites his friends—Dragon, Alien, and Unicorn—to join the fun. Expect a delightful mix of comedy and chaos as these characters create a magical experience, celebrating the joy of books and friendship.
This high-energy, 55-minute adventure features lively original music, making it the perfect introduction to live theatre for children. With interactive moments throughout, young audiences will delight in seeing their favorite characters come to life. The show includes new music composed by Tom Fletcher, Barry Bignold, and Miranda Larson.
Get ready for a fantastic time at “There’s a Monster in Your Show,” where Little Monster and his friends can’t wait to meet you!
There’s a Monster in Your Show Live in Dubai – Event Details: