Some comedy events presented by Dubomedy will also take place this week. Firstly, free virtual Improv’ Comedy Class on April 11 at 05:30 PM streaming on Instagram page. The show will be co-hosted by Dubomedy’s founders Ali Al Sayed and Mina Liccione. It will be a blend of stand-up, improv’ comedy games and live music for all levels and all ages.
Also, the co-founder and STOMP Veteran, Mina Liccione is posting a series of videos leading Rhythm Games, Jams and Body Beats for the entire families to enjoy on her Instagram and Facebook page. It will entertain your kids, flat-mates and just energize your body and mind.
Organized by: Dubomedy
Venue: Dubomedy’s Instagram page
Ticket price: Free
Admission: 05:30 PM
We invite singers, bands, DJs, comedians, influencers, promoters, and other performers based in UAE to showcase their talents at!