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Mahmoud Al Turki

Mahmoud Al Turki - List of Artist and Performers
Mahmoud Al Turki - Coming Soon in UAE
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Mahmoud Al Turki is an Iraqi singer, songwriter, and composer who has gained widespread recognition in the Arab world.

He began his musical journey in 2012 and has since achieved significant success across various platforms, including YouTube and social media. His concerts are known for attracting large audiences, and he has released numerous solo tracks as well as collaborations with artists from Iraq and the wider Arab region.


Mahmoud Al Turki’s music is available on various streaming platforms, including Spotify, where he has amassed a significant fan base. His discography includes popular songs such as “Al Haz”, “Al Sabe3”, “Terka3a” and “Khbt Khbat”, among others. These tracks have contributed to his growing popularity and have been well received by fans.

With his captivating performances and easy-to-understand lyrics, Mahmoud Al Turki continues to captivate audiences and cement his presence in the Middle East music scene.

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