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Do you work in human resources? Brilliant! For HR professionals around Dubai this fantastic opportunity to learn HR skills, meet your peers and network!

Whether you’re new to the role or an experienced employee, there’s no denying that the mechanics behind human resources continually grow and develop. You see, businesses and organisations grow over time, and with those businesses, people like you are needed to ensure the personnel of that business are kept secure and happy at all times.

So much so ladies, that you’re often regarded as a hugely significant asset in terms of skills and abilities. Not only do you have to maintain your own job role and responsibilities, but you’ve also got a fair number of other professionals under your wings. And frankly, that’s a pretty great position to be in.

Expat Woman want to help you grow further, and provide you with the skills, knowledge and contacts to help develop and encourage your role in HR.

Venue: Dubai Marina Yacht Club
Admission: FREE

To register or for more information, please email your name, designation, company name, email address and contact number.


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