dubai painting

Showing Events tagged with "dubai painting"

Italian Paint and Dine - Coming Soon in UAE

Italian Paint and Dine

2 November - 2 November 2020 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
The art communities, Engulf Art and Dubai Jiggy will bring the "Italian Paint and Dine" event where participants will have a two-course meal with a watercolor class creating an Olive branch.
Afternoon Painting Tea Party - Coming Soon in UAE

Afternoon Painting Tea Party

26 October - 26 October 2020 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
The art communities, Engulf Art and Dubai Jiggy will bring an Italian Paint Tea Party where participants will have a fun tea party with an art class.
3D Paper Flowers Painting on Canvas - Coming Soon in UAE

3D Paper Flowers Painting on Canvas

24 October 2020 03:00 PM
The art communities, Engulf Art and Dubai Jiggy will bring a workshop combining 3D paper art with painting on canvas.
Italian Art Brunch - Coming Soon in UAE

Italian Art Brunch

19 October - 19 October 2020 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The art community, Engulf Art and Dubai Jiggy will bring a true Italian Art Brunch where participants will have a breakfast and painting class.
Floral Embroidery Wall Hanging - Coming Soon in UAE

Floral Embroidery Wall Hanging

17 October - 17 October 2020 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
The art community, Dubai Jiggy will bring a workshop where participants learn how to create gorgeous wildflowers on a loom with hand embroidery technique
Weekly Paint Jams with Dubai Jiggy and Jo - Coming Soon in UAE

Weekly Paint Jams with Dubai Jiggy and Jo

13 October 2020, 20 October 2020, 27 October 2020
Every Tuesday, the art community Dubai Jiggy provides Paint Jams Workshops at Kaak Al Manara to create acrylic art pieces. Dubai Jiggy brings weekly painting workshops, where participants learn to use acrylic paint and canvases at the paint jams; workshop participants are allowed to bring their own materials provided paint experience with other mediums.