This event is incredibly popular among runners, its main feature is that runners of various training levels can take part in it. Beginners will prefer a distance of 3 km, intermediate runners can try 5 km of race, and experienced runners will master a distance of 10 km. The winners, who took the first three places in each category, will get trophies, but everyone who took part in the race will also not leave empty-handed – they will receive special medals of the event.
The start and finish for Dubai Desert Road Run will be located in a specially organized village at The Sevens stadium. Participation fee: 3 km – AED 105, 5 km – AED 126, 10km – AED 147. Spectators can watch the race for free.
Organized by: Onside Partners
Venue: The Sevens Stadium
Ticket price: from AED 105
Admission: 06:00 AM
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