Punchliners presents an online comedy show “Host to Roast” ft. Knotty Commander on December 4.

The evening show “Host to Roast” on the National Day weekend will be hosted by comedian Manish Tyagi, a.k.a. The Knotty Commander, who has performed over 50 solo shows, hosted over 100 shows and much more open mics.

Manish Tyagi is a former Naval Commander, who took up stand-up comedy as his post-retirement career. Starting out a new career, Manish became successful in the competitive comedy circuit and a well-known comedian throughout Youtube thanks to his video “Le Kaun Raha Hai Be?” which reached 1.4 million views in just 7 months.


Manish also has a few TEDx talks and performances as a corporate trainer and motivational speaker. He is a part of many renowned comedy clubs. He drives humor based on personal experience and has a lot of hilarious content. As one of the most-respected comics around, Manish performs on different standup stages and fests.

Organized by: Punch Liners
Venue: Zoom (available after booking)
Ticket price: AED 25
Admission: 07:30 PM

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