Artworks by eight international contemporary artists portray a relaxed perception of time. In reality, many of us live in a fast-paced world where moments and wealth are synonyms. In a world where the phrase “Where did the time go?” is overused, days, weeks, months and years seem to fly by, leading to essential things slipping through the cracks. Relationships, mental and physical health, or simply watering the plants are among many things that could crumble without adequate allocated time. And perhaps if time is no longer a critical factor in our decision-making and a lenient view of scheduling could open up portals to infinite possibilities that exist when we are not in a constant state of flux.
A pandemic in the past two years has led the entire world to experience the blessings of slowing down. Suddenly everybody had time to take a break from the hustle and bustle but also to partake in things that there was no time for before the lockdown.
The exhibited artists display a keen use of time within their works, capturing the mood of being present in the “Now”. The showcased works are intricate, meticulous, and time-consuming in their own right. Although the leisure view of time could allude to a sense of laziness, there is nothing lazy about any of these artists’ work. For artists, time is always a consideration in producing their works. However, the commitment to the end result takes precedence over this factor.
Opening Reception: SEPTEMBER 21, 2022
Exhibition Dates: SEPTEMBER 21 – OCTOBER 13, 2022
Location: Volery Gallery