The evening show, Punchliners will be hosted by comedian, Piyush Malhotra featuring Manish Tyagi, a.k.a. The Knotty Commander, who has performed over 50 solo shows, hosted over 100 shows and much more open mics.
Before becoming a comedian in 2014, Manish used to be a Commander in the Indian Navy. Having such experience, Manish’s got some very funny and unprecedented stories blended with wit and humor. Moreover, he acted as a motivational speaker at 14 TEDx conclaves & is also a regular with corporate gigs.
Such social networks as Facebook and YouTube channel counted 1,30,000 followers and Manish’s videos have almost 2 million-plus organic viewership. Especially, one of the most popular, “Le Kaun Raha Hai Be” video has already reached 2.6 million views on YouTube. With jokes aired on several radio stations, the comedian became a well-renowned personality.
Organized by: Punch Liners
Venue: Zoom (available after booking)
Ticket price: AED 25
Admission: 09:00 PM – 10:30 PM