Under patronage of H.E. Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, The Annual GCC Natural Birth & Breastfeeding Conference presents for the first time ever in the UAE, the screening of the film Milk, by Noemi Weis.
Through a prism of personal stories and art the movie “Milk” elucidates the questions of politicization, commercialization and public contradictions connected with the birth and infant feeding over the canvas of stunningly beautiful visuals and poignant voices from around the globe. The movie is illustrated fantastically beautiful visual images and shrill
interview of women from around the world.
The movie “Milk” researches the main problems connected with commercialization of feeding of babies and its contribution to child mortality, and also problems of adequate training of workers of health care and responsibility of women, isn’t dependent on what method of feeding of the children they choose.
The “Milk” shows stories of mothers from different cultures on a world journey spanning 11 countries, which clearly demonstrate general problematic issues of motherhood and obstetric aid in today’s society. Specific living women and their personal life stories develop in a global world phenomenon of prejudices and actions which create serious difficulties at this important point in their life.
The women and their personal stories epitomize the important global
phenomenon of beliefs and actions taking place and presenting serious obstacles to women
during this important time in their lives.
At the Sharjah Ladies Club, UAE, as part of the Gala dinner from 8-11pm. Includes full dinner, entry into our raffle and film screening.
Women only.
Venue: Sharjah Ladies Club, Sharjah UAE
We invite singers, bands, DJs, comedians, influencers, promoters, and other performers based in UAE to showcase their talents at Comingsoon.ae!