The legendary Broadway musical Les Miserables, based on the classic novel of Victor Hugo, will be shown on stage at Dubai Opera.
Les Miserables will be included into the program of the first theatrical season of the Dubai Opera and it will run from 10th of November to 2nd of December, 2016.
The musical reflects difficult destinies of people at the time of the French revolution.
Hugo’s original novel is one of the greatest works of the 20th century. The original Broadway production opened on March 12th, 1987 and continued to 2003. Finally, in 2014 the musical returned to the stage.
Les Misérables is one of the most popular musical which has been seen by over 70 million people worldwide in 44 countries and in 22 languages.
Les Miserables has won more than hundred prestigious theatrical awards.
The musical further inspired filmmakers to make the movie version which won three Oscars, three Golden Globes and four BAFTA awards, and went on to become one of the most successful musical films ever made.
Organized by: The MNC Events
Venue: Dubai Opera
Admission: from AED 275
Tickets Booking